Explosive Squat Workout

About the routine:

  • Explosive Half Squats x 3-5 reps

  • Squishy Disc Single-Leg Romanian Dead Lift x 4-6 reps

  • Calf Raises x 15 reps (not in video)

  • Heel Drops x 15 reps (not in video)

Designed by Ulrick Boyogueno– Lifetime Fitness Personal Trainer

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This routine is focused on building strength in your legs all while enhancing your core. This workout has lower repetitions and higher weights to increase the power output. Since jumping, running, and cutting require the entire body, this workout stands apart from others because of the use of free weights. By forcing your body to maintain balance you improve your core and body’s ability to be ready for dynamic movements. The focus is on developing fast-twitch muscles, especially with the explosive half squats. Flexibility as well as developing the fast-twitch muscles is enhanced during the single-leg RDL to improve sprint speed, jumping, and agility.

For experienced lifters, this routine can be a great alternative to an existing one. As for beginners, this workout routine can be a great way to start your lifting experience. Make sure to build up to weights you are comfortable with to maintain good posture and prevent injuries. More guidance can be found for posture during lifting here.

Losing weight or building muscle is not only about eating more or less, it is about listening to your body and eating right. Make sure to eat clean, build better habits, and eat what you need.


Increasing Your Vertical Jump