Increasing Your Vertical Jump

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Increasing Your Vertical Jump

Before going into a training regimen, one of the most important things to do to increase your vertical jump is to learn how to jump. The mechanics of your jump and the fluidity of the jump can change your vertical by a large margin. In a perfect system, all the force gets transferred to a vertical output. Whether it is a standing vertical or a running vertical, many people lose much of their force from unnecessary motion and a loss in energy leading up to the jump. As best as you can, try to make all the movements in a fluid motion. It is rare for ‘high’ jumpers to slow their motion to a high degree before a jump.

Preparing For Your Regimen

As mentioned above, one of the most important things you might do to increase your verticle jump is by reflecting on how you jump. Jumping is an energy-expensive exercise. It can be easy to understand once one realizes that a person needs to have a verticle of 48 inches to be in the air for one second. Not even Michael Jordan can accomplish that. It is imperative to translate as much energy to upward motion as possible. It is important to do whether you are standing and going straight up or running and transferring the energy upwards. A good place to start may include recording your jump to see if your jump has any hitches, sideways motion, or dips in speed. The jump should look as fluid as possible.

Planning a Workout


Completing the Workout

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